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Flavia Summers with Iced Tea

Working in the yard today, that summertime heat is building up. Suddenly it hit me!  Couldn’t wait to get inside for a glass of Flavia iced tea, mmmm…   Did you know you can brew iced tea in your Flavia bewer??  There’s an iced tea button on the newer Flavia systems which doesn’t use as much water to account for a cup with ice already in it. 

I usually end up adding more ice a few minutes later to finish cooling it off, but it sure is easy to satisfy my current mood with a tea for the moment!  You know, kinda like when UPS comes with a package – Christmas every day 🙂

Besides, I don’t have to worry about making the right tea to please everyone else: even the kids know how to use the Flavia!  Everyone can be happy.  Hey, let’s have some fun…

Get creative with your own iced tea creation, or  try this refreshing Flavia iced tea recipe – code-named – Irish KISS!
You’ll need two tea fresh packs: 

Bright Tea Company’s
          Select Green and 
          White Tea with Orange. 

See the flyer below for instructions on how to make it.   The instructions focus on use with the Creation 400 and the Creation 200, but if you have a Fusion, S350, or SB100, just brew it like you normally would do a two pack drink.  Then add your ice at the end to make sure your cup doesn’t overflow. 

Let us know how you like it!   And when you find a special mix of your own, please share it here for others to try!!


As always, if you need to order, try one of our marvelous websites:
CoffeeASAP.com  or Top10Coffees.com for excellent prices & service!Flavia Iced tea - Irish Kiss - Bright Tea Company

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