Some people don’t truly consider how much money they spend every year on coffee from there local coffee houses. If you are one of these people, you might want to rethink this expense because you could be saving so much money.
Please don’t misunderstand. The coffee houses are beautiful creations, which offer WIFI and a comfortable environment to relax while you enjoy your $4.00 plus premium cup of coffee. I have even seen high school and college students hanging out inside, and I wonder how they get the money to do that every day.
Trust me, when the you’re cup is empty, there are no free refills.
I was introduced to the single cup coffee system over 8 years ago. Before that, you may have seen me in one of those places. But not today–unless we are traveling and I really need a good cup of coffee. The amount of money that people spend on coffee house coffee is mind blowing in comparison to the single cup coffee systems today.
You can get the same great tasting cups of quality gourmet coffee right in your home or office for pennies on the dollar. Let’s say for example, that you are heading out to work in the morning, and you want a 16 oz. cup of gourmet coffee. Well, if you had made it at home, with your Flavia Single Cup Coffee Brewer, it would have cost you about .90 cents, instead of $4.00-$5.00 at the coffee club. Also, making coffee at home takes less than a minute, while waiting the coffee houses can take a while.
If you’re married, you might double the cost of coffee intake every day. So think of the math: $4.00 for just the basic cup and then the .90 cents at home. In one week you can spend $20.00 at the coffee house or about $5.00 from your own home. In a month, that $80.00 at the coffee house and less than $20.00 at home.
Trust me, the Flavia single sup system is the way to go, you can make any drink they can make for just pennies on the dollar. The Flavia coffee brewer will pay for itself in no time and you will have a lot more green in your pockets.
Just think: in one year, stopping by the coffee house, you’ll spend $1,040.00 versus less than $260.00 a year; that is an extra 800 dollars a year you save, and that number is only you and not anyone else in your family stopping at the local coffee house. The Flavia single coffee cup brewing system will make cappuccinos, coffee, tea, mochas, lattes, hot chocolate and more. In the end you will be the one smiling.
Tell next time keep brewing.
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